Kids Corner
Kids Corner
Find fun, kid-friendly activities at the library!
Try out a craft in the NOW Space with these kits for kids! Please remember to sign your kit out and back in again using the clipboard on the shelf.
- Origami
- Play Doh
- Rainbow Scratch Paper
- Sticker Pictures
- Friendship Bracelets
- Shrinky Dinks
- Paper Crafts
- Popscicle Stick Crafts
- 3D Crafts
- Ellison Die Cutter (paper not provided)
Each Virtual Story Time kit includes links to read-alongs, music, movies, and crafts or coloring pages with a specific theme.
- The Library offers games and puzzles for a 3 week checkout.
- This is for SGPL cardholders only with a suggested limit of 2 per card.
- You can place a hold and pick it up! View full collection now.
- Do you have a game you would like to donate? Shop our wishlist here or email us.
Homeschool Resources
While we can't recommend a specific curriculum or homeschooling approach, the following are some helpful resources to learn more about homeschooling requirements in Illinois, research different homeschooling methods, and plan activities.
- Illinois State Board of Education: Illinois Homeschooling: Information on homeschooling requirements in the state of Illinois, homeschooling FAQs, and data/research.
- Sugar Grove Library and SWAN consortium resources on homeschooling: A list of materials about homeschooling available in the SWAN libraries consortium, including books, magazines, e-books, and academic journal articles. You can request materials for pickup at SGPL by clicking place hold and entering your library card number and PIN. You can also contact us for more specialized research help, or for help placing holds.
- Illinois Early Learning Project: A website from the University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign College of Education Early Childhood Collective with information and tip sheets in multiple languages on early childhood and early learning topics, including Kindergarten readiness.
Tumblebooks: Animated books for kids
You have access to an entire library of animated books and games from children with your Sugar Grove Public Library card. Tumblebooks is a great computer program you can access from home 24-7 or within the library. The website has a wide variety of picture books, as well as easy reader and chapter books that your child can listen to and follow along with.
If you're asked to enter login information, please use this:
Username: sugargrovepl
Password: libra
After you're logged in, you will be asked to enter your library card number.